On Banks and Bailouts
Just want to blow off a little steam. Why is it that those of us who have lived within our means and saved and not gone into debt, must now pay for everyone else who recklessly borrowed money and knew they couldn't pay it back? What happened to personal responsibility and paying the consequences for our actions? What a joke. And now it is all blamed on greed and republicans so that the other side can continue to march our system into a socialistic one. It is Congress' fault for forcing banks to lend money to those they knew would default. And I just heard that community foundations such as ACORN (for which BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA was a community organizer) put pressure on those banks to make the loans, staging demonstrations in the lobbies and tying up their lines by cashing dollars and pennies and so on; then these same congressmen used Fanny and Freddie to make money for themselves. But none of those facts will ever be reported in the news. UGH! I hope and pray the debates will bring some of this out, that the truth will reach the American people. Can't we see where all this leads? Wait till the taxes rise and the health care system becomes socialized, too. We are heading down the wrong path. (Yeah, I know spiritually we are and have been for a long time heading the wrong way and our nation doesn't deserve mercy, but I still beg God for it) (I also know and am trying to remind myself that GOD is sovereign; He raises up and tears down and has a plan...) I'm just talking about governmental stuff right now. But then it's all tied together. I heard some quote today, "Be wary of anyone who says 'Let me spend your money and I will save you.'" Wow, is that true! I know only God saves, but I pray He moves on McCain's heart to stand up for what's right and not to buckle to the godless ideas of the left. God, have mercy on us all.
(I realize this was not well thought out or expressed; I just needed an outlet!)
(I realize this was not well thought out or expressed; I just needed an outlet!)