Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I Can't Believe I am Blogging About This

Why does this lady's death affect me so much? I am not into stars or movies or any of that, but ever since I saw the Yahoo headline about this one, it has haunted me. I found myself praying for her, her family, thinking of them often. Absolutely crazy because I know nothing about her at all except what I have read in the last two days in very brief update articles, and usually I pay no attention to celebrity stuff. Somehow, however, her situation struck a raw chord with me. Perhaps it is her having two sons, 12 and 13. Perhaps it is because in the crazy Hollywood scene, she has remained with her husband for 15 years. Perhaps it is because here was someone who had everything, world-wise, and yet again, we see life is a vapor, and so much more than what we see and do here. A reminder of our mortality and that we are not promised tomorrow. ( I have already been given 4 more years than she had!) Whatever the reason, I just felt so moved that I wanted to do this post. Urgent almost. So here it is. I just feel so sorry for all of them, and I am praying for them. May God have mercy on us all and show Himself very real to her surviving family. (I picked this picture because of the loving look she has for her husband; there was a better one from some awards thing; she was gazing up at him with such love and admiration, but I couldn't find it...anyway...)


Blogger Andy and Nancy said...

I have thought the same things Sue. I've also wondered if she was ready.

6:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bill and I were both very moved as well! Was it because she was my age, or b/c she was doing a sport Bill loved, or b/c she was only on the beginner hill when it happened, or that she "felt fine" and then WHAM! Over! Yes, we thought the same thoughts-same man for 15 years in a town where marriage isn't held in high esteem and she has young sons.Maybe a Mom and Dad, brothers, sisters.
We have prayed as well.

3:42 PM  

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