Thursday, July 02, 2009

Countdown to Married Bliss

There are so many ideas and thoughts swirling in my little, old brain.

***How does a darling baby grow so fast from needing me for even her very sustenance into an inquisitive, bright, cute girl who requires my assistance getting places into a beautiful, independent, Godly young woman with dreams and plans and goals and loves and hates of her own (who needs nothing from me)?

****How do I express all that is in my heart before she moves on? How much I love her and always will. How proud I am of her. How I will miss knowing she is just down the hall, a shout :>) away. How I am so excited and happy thinking of her in her new, adorable home as she begins her new journey with her one and only. How my heart will leap when she calls or stops by just to tell me something or to eat a meal with us. How her dad and I will always, no matter what, be here for her, and for her true love, but how we will not I will pray for her and him continuously, that they grow together in love for each other and for the Lord...

****How do I get everything completed, or know what needs completing, and then just TRUST God. Actually, HOW do I trust God? Forgive me for being such a worrier. You are so faithful and merciful and true.

****How do I ever thank my family for all their HARD word to prepare? Each and every one has worked so faithfully and well. How I pray for you to have positive memories, gratified memories, knowing you have done the right things, knowing you have given of yourselves, not just to people, but to the Lord. May He bless you and teach you. May we all rejoice with the new couple and be thankful for them and excited and happy with them.

****How do I thank all my friends, and really, my family (which is my church) for all the support and help they have been? It has been so humbling and encouraging to see you at work. Please keep praying.

NINE MORE DAYS! May God be glorified on
that day and in their marriage. Amen.


Blogger kibbe said...

I love reading all the thoughts that are swirling around in your giant, young brain. I also love all the colors you used in this posting:)

3:17 PM  

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