I would like it if I were a photographer like the rest of you because I always have to borrow whatever pics are around, and this one is a year old! But I have to post something when such a big occasion arises, so here it is--
Congratulations to our lovely daughter, Faith, who graduates from University of Maryland, College Park, tonight and tomorrow, with a degree in mechanical engineering (and physics from SU)!!! Way to go, Faith! You have worked so hard and achieved so much. We wish we could express adequately our fierce and everlasting love and devotion to you! You are a gift from God, and we thank Him for you every day! Looking forward to celebrating with you tomorrow. Love, Mom and Dad (hopefully we will have some pics from tomorrow to post)
Hi Mrs Harr! Or have I graduated to "Sue" now? (I hate it when my babysitters call me Mrs. Wright!) =) Your blog is cute too. Thanks for checking out my blog, I feel like it would be boring to everyone except the grandparents! (And Matt, he cracks me up, told me he checks our blog everyday...). Do you know that I don't have any pictures (recent) of me and Matt? There's no one to take our picture! I guess I could get Charlie to try! I've told Mom they need a blog, but they are pretty busy, you know, all their travels! They're in England now visiting David who is air national guard, he's there for 2 weeks. I'll be sure to tell them you said hi. Nice to "chat" with you!!
You (Faith) are going to be one hard act to follow-way to raise that barr for all the Harrs to follow-glad you are not my big sister!!!! I absolutely marvel at how gifted you are in unusual ways-i know we are all amazing and gifted in our own ways but come on, you are a physicist and a mechanical or civil enginerr at the ripe old age of..20??? hello??
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